

I must apologize to all of those whom I have found beautiful works on your blogs that I had wished to share with others. On my blog it gives full credit and states where the post originated. I never intend to steal your works as I hope the same for mine. I think there has been a partial design flaw when the reblogging was instituted. There should be an option for your blog to allow a reblog.  Maybe there is a feature as such and is not widely known. I am not very familiar with the mainframe of this particular site. 

I again apologize for any misunderstanding of the reblog button. I personally will no longer reblog any other work unless expressed to otherwise. Hopefully there will be a better way to share each other’s works without a “reblog” option that gives the blogger more control over the sharing content.

One thought on “Apologises

  1. I don’t think your intent was any way malicious, and I understand you were doing something that is acceptable across the WordPress platform. You were using the featured exactly the way it was intended. I simply don’t like the practice where my content is concerned. Some of my posts are images with very little text, so the entire post is reblogged. It’s frustrating to put so much time and effort into something only to see it in its entirety on someone else’s site. I hope you understand that. I appreciate your efforts to make this right regarding my content. Reblogging on its face is not wrong, I would suggest that if you find a post you want to share in the future, just ask the original owner’s permission. Thank you, for your consideration.

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